The registration of a trademark is essential, giving its owner exclusively of its use and preventing third parties from filing or using the same or a similar one.
Trademark registrations can be renewed indefinitely.
We provide the following comprehensive services in Greece and abroad:
- Availability searches
- Investigations on existing trademark registrations and Watch Services
- Drafting and filing of Greek, Community and International trademark applications (under the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol).
- National trademark applications across the globe through our global network of associates
- Defending applications from official actions issued by the various trademark authorities.
- Defending applications from third party objections in opposition and cancellation proceedings before the relevant authorities and Courts in Greece and abroad, as well as before OAMI and WIPO
- Recording changes in ownership
- Recording changes of the owner’s address, legal form etc.
- Monitoring of competitors’ trademark applications
- Opposing of competitors’ trademark applications
- Monitoring and paying renewal fees